Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Elantris 8: Sarene

We learn that Elantris has introduced a sort of serfdom among the peasantry. This is a shame because previously people were free-ish.

Before the fall of Elantris the Elantrians could make anything you could want and give it away more or less for free. This upset the merchants, who instituted protectionism: the Elantrians agreed to only provide certain basics for free, thus ensuring that the people of Arelon were poorer than they needed to be. I would argue that even the merchants would be better off without such a policy. Given free stuff, people would have been freed up to find more innovative uses of magic, for example, improving technology.

After the fall of Elantris the head merchant (i.e. Iaden) ended up in charge. He has abolished private ownership of land, which can not be good for agricultural output. No wonder resources are dwindling. Forget the Fjordens, people are going to be starving soon.

Lukel tells Sarene about Raoden and his political activities. She wants in. She suspects people will not put up for long with Iaden's policy of serfdom and denying freedom to anyone but the wealthy. Probably she is right and all that is needed for a revolt is a gentle push from Hrathen.

Aiden keeps mumbling numbers. Sarene is assuming he is intellectually disabled but I would not be surprised if the numbers turn out to be the root password to the Elantrian magic generator.

After dinner Sarene goes to see Elantris with the twins and bumps into Hrathen. She messes up his speech by asking annoying questions calculated to make him look silly. She watches Elantrians for a time and is unconvinced by the dogma that they are dead. I am now certain that when she finds out that Raoden is in there she will want to rescue him.

She spots three Elantrians on a roof who look more alive and alert than others. Probably that is not a coincidence: she has spotted Raoden, Galladon and Mareshe.

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