Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Elantris 13: Raoden

Raoden finds a book written completely in Aons and starts to translate it. Sounds like it might be a user manual for the Elantrian operating system. He just needs to find the reboot command.

Then the gang leader Karata turns up. She's pissed off that Raoden seems to be starting his own gang and stealing her potential recruits. He offers to help her get into the palace, because she's be caught trying to do that a few times.

Karata agrees and they escape by going down the well and floating along the underground river, which they can do because they don't need to breathe. It still seems pretty risky, though. If I knew every minor bump and scrape would result in an eternity of agony I wouldn't get out of my chair without serious consideration, never mind ten foot jumps into water and potentially being dashed on rocks.

Anyway they break into the palace because Raoden knows where the secret entrance is (why does the escape tunnel open from the *outside*?). And why does Raoden only ask her what she wants to do in the palace once they've got this far? It turns out Karata just wants to see her daughter.

Karata has figured out who Raoden is. He tells her his plan to grow corn. He's been keeping the corn seeds from the new arrivals the whole time. Sanderson has this well planned out because I remember Raoden pocketing some mysterious food item in a previous chapter.

Anyway, Karata is now a powerful ally, so that's good. They get back into Elantris by just asking the guards to let them in, which is awesome.

I'm wondering if Raoden is a bit overpowered. He seems to be good at everything. Or maybe it's just the power of optimism.
Nobility is in one's bearing as much as it is in one's breeding. If we *act* like living here is a blessing, then maybe we'll start to forget how pathetic we think we are.
I think this is Sanderson's advice to new authors. When he wrote this he hadn't had his big break yet. He's saying that if you act like a published author you'll end up being one. Or something.

We find out that Karata and her gang are taking care of the children. The children seem happier and less affected by the Shaod that the adults. I wonder if this will turn out to be a clue. Raoden and Karata are now openly in allegiance.

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