Telrii is getting cold feet and meets up with Hrathen during his nightly stroll on top of the walls of Elantris. He's worried about how Duladel fell, with all the nobility being killed. Hrathen says there won't be a revolution, instead Fjorden can send in enough military might to just take over (and, presumably, spare friendly nobles). To support this he points out how weak Araluen's military is (I think we've all figured that out by now) and mentions that Fjorden has the armies of various conquered countries at its disposal.
What Hrathen doesn't tell Telrii is that they also have a secret order of combat monks and assassin monks being trained in the Dakhor Monastery.
There's also more talk of the news the king received tonight, whatever that is. Also Hrathen agrees to fund Telrii to pay his soldiers more, so that the city guard will hear about it and will be more likely to defect.
Hrathen hears the gates close: that'll be Raoden and friends coming back from their trip to the palace. He arranges to borrow an Elantrian for study.
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