Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Elantris 5: Sarene

Sarene watches as Hrathen marches into court, demands that the king convert to his religion, then marches out again when he is refused. The king does not think Fjorden has enough power to worry about. Sarene thinks that Hrathen could cause a lot of trouble just by converting people and presumably getting them all riled up at the king.

She meets her uncle Kiin, who we know from the previous chapter was involved in some conspiracy with Raoden. He will probably be a useful ally when Sarene figures out what is going on. Similarly Lukel, who is Kiin's step-son.

We have to endure several pages of happy families and annoying children. This household is not medieval enough. Children should be seen and not heard!

It seems as if Kiin has been exiled from Sarene's home country and that is why she hasn't seen him for years, but he hasn't told her the story, yet.

We learn how, when Elantris fell, the servants used it as an opportunity to rise up against their masters. But they mostly destroyed things and no apparent good came of it (at least as Kiin tells it).

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