Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Elantris 7: Raoden

Raoden practices drawing Aons in the air. The letter drawing works but the letters just flash in what seems like an "error" response and disappear.

It seems quite obvious that the Elantrian magic works using some sort of command line interface, presumably controlling some sort of machine that generates the magical effects. The same effects presumably also kept the Elantrians alive. Since they all suffered from the disease no-one coherent is around to explain how it worked. If only Raoden can find the machine and turn it off and on again, it will probably start working and everything will be as before. That's my theory, anyway.

Raoden and Galladon also hope so: they are reading books in hope of answers.

We learn that some people think there never was any magic and it was a hoax. This is something Hrathen may be planning to use.

We learn that Arelon is hard to attack because mountains act as a natural defence. This may be why king Iaden is dismissive of Fjorden threats, but it does seem as if Hrathen has something in mind other than direct military assault.

We also learn that Elantris doesn't have and candles or lamps because they previously relied on magic for light. Yikes. Imagine if all the electricity failed tomorrow: things would get quite uncivilised very quickly!

Raoden rescues a newcomer named Mareshe who says he can make shoes, which will be useful once they find a way down from the roof they are stuck on.

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