Saturday, 11 January 2020

Elantris 52: Raoden

Ok I was wrong. Raoden is playing the part of the Dula and Galladon is the servant. The plan is to wriggle his way into Arelene high society and get invited to Roial's meetings. I'm not sure why the secrecy when surely playing the "I am the highly popular and previously thought to be dead prince with a blood claim to the throne, follow me!" strategy would be simpler. What possible influence could a newcomer Dula wield that would be worth risking so much to exercise?

He's not doing too badly. He's had Roial sell his gold light fittings for enough money to live comfortably on for several years. Those are some pretty awesome light fittings! Presumably they came from the secret library. How much other treasure is lying around in Elantris? The Elantrians are missing a trick.

Somehow, through sheer charm, Raoden as Kaloo gets invited to the secret meeting of traitors. Roial is awfully trusting.

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