Saturday, 11 January 2020

Elantris 48: Hrathen

Hrathen is annoyed that he is not being shown enough courtesy by the king he helped crown. But no big deal, he's going to pay the king more Fjorden money and eventually render him powerless. Except Telrii doesn't want money. He wants to be a gyorn just like Hrathen, and he's written to the supreme ruler of the universe Wryn to demand that it be so.

Hrathen thinks that this is a bit preposterous and presumably assumes that Wryn will just send armies to kill everyone who doesn't convert. That all of his efforts to take Araluen peacefully have been in vain. I suspect Wryn will play along for a while longer, though.

Hrathen is dazed. Probably he should have seen it coming; Telrii is supposedly not all that smart. I guess he's the Donald Trump of kings: not caring about convention and doing what he wants, which is both vulgar and surprising.

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