Saturday, 11 January 2020

Elantris 49: Raoden

Well, it's all going to happen now. Raoden is in the library trying to figure out why the Aons don't work any more. Elements of Aons looks like features on maps of Araluen, so what changed in Araluen? Of course it was the earthquake that opened a chasm: a chasm not caused by the Reod but that caused the Reod! It's all so obvious now.

Raoden makes an Aon that shoots fire. This releases a lot of energy, and via Scooby Doo logic he knows he will no longer have the attacks of pain he's been getting twice a day. So that will buy him more time to work on this. But after that first successful spell the pressure has been released somewhat and Aons work only weakly. And they can't cast spells on Elantrians because they aren't proper Elantrians; they're stuck half way.

So, our heroes have new powers but they still have work to do. Raoden at least manages to make himself a magical disguise that makes it look as if he has been healed. He's planning to use that to escape Elantris. Maybe he can keep up the disguise, marry Sarene, and take up the throne. He'll just have to be careful not to bang his funnybone.

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