Monday, 30 December 2019

Elantris 34: Raoden

Shaor is missing and presumed dead, since only her wig remains. Her followers are now following Raoden, treating him as their new god, since he has power over food. They're not terribly bright, but somewhat obedient and useful.

Meanwhile Raoden has solved the mystery of the slime. It's just dead fungus. Apparently Elantris has always been covered with it but it wasn't unpleasant or bothersome when it was alive. That at least means that new slime is not being made and once cleaned off it should stay gone. Raoden is hoping that figuring all this stuff out will lead him to the ultimate mystery (the only mystery left?) of why Elantris fell. But he's running out of time since his pain is increasing.

Presumably he is going to solve enough of the mystery to stop himself becoming Hoed just in the nick of time. Or someone else, probably Galladon, will save him just before he gets dissolved in the acid lake.
In the meantime he's trying to organise a successor to his work. Galladon is a bit scathing about this, pointing out that Raoden has still got plenty of time. Even apart from Raoden's mystery accelerating pain which Galladon does not know about, it seems a bit optimistic, given a trip on the stairs could be enough to finish someone off in Elantris.

There's some discussion about what happens to Seons if their owner dies without leaving a will. Maybe they float around aimlessly acting mad, just as all the Elantrian seons are. My guess is they've lost their connection to the cloud: Alexa is similiarly useless when this happens.

Raoden gets news that Hrathen is healed. It's a miracle!

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